Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Design I like

In general I find modernism boring. I tend to harken back to the overly done designs of yesteryear when I look for design inspiration. The art of Alphonse Mucha is some of my favorite. I love the ethereal beauty of the women, the undulating spirals of the background designs and the very creative lettering. Helvetica it is not, but it inspires me in a way simplistic, modern, clean design doesn't. More on Mucha from wikipedia can be found here:
And from the Mucha museum in Prague:
This particular ad for Absinthe is compelling for multiple reasons. Its risque, sheer draping on the woman leaves little to the imagination, something quite exotic for the late 19th century. While the extended articism is rarely seen in ads today, (how many ads would you frame and put on your wall?), It does something with the text that advertisers are trying to return to. That is, it simply says what the product is. No long winded marketing copy about who, where, why, and how you should consume Absinthe. It simply acknowledges its existence in the marketplace. By the artwork you know you should look into what this Absinthe might be like because hey, a beautiful, scantily clad woman is offering it up to the Gods. If you are a woman seeing this, as I am, you see the beauty, elegance, and sensuality you hope to project. As I imagine, a man would see the object of his desire, and Absinthe as the way to her. Yes I realize my dramatic design ideals are not quite in line with the thinking of today but that is why I love the 21st century. We get to pick and choose from all of the centuries that came before and exert our individuality in ways never before imagined.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Artist Statement

I am a performer first and foremost. I sing opera and adore spending time on the stage. Opera is often labeled as elitist and inaccessible and I want to change that. I want to show that the people who make opera are just as gritty and human as the rest of the world. By bringing the high brow, large scale world of opera and its performers to the small screen, I hope to explore how to bring this theatrical genre to the masses. I want to show that the often convoluted stories of opera are really just about people dealing with the harsh realities of their lives; love, death, betrayal, friendship, money, power, etc. The characters may seem foreign but when you see how human they really are it becomes so much more relevant.

I love TV and movies with a theatrical flair. I love how colorful and “costume-y” the show Pushing Daisies is as well as Baz Lurhmann’s film, Moulin Rouge. I enjoy anything with a bit of sarcasm such as House M.D. and sweeping period pieces like the BBC miniseries Pride and Prejudice.

I hope that through my work a little light can be shed on the complex world of the opera and other performers like me can have an outlet to express their humanity.